Quality Assessments, Quality Hiring

The Workforce Evaluation Center provides assessment services to assist in your hiring process. Such services include ranking of applications, conducting job task analysis, designing & administering test packages, and reporting results. The staff includes a State of Ohio Certified Vocational Evaluator, with over 20 years of business and industrial testing experience. We look forward to serving your specific assessment needs, whether it is through using ACT’s job profiling system, WorkKeys® basic skills tests, or a custom-designed test package to suit your specific job needs.

  • Select the best candidate by using proven assessment strategies.
  • Reduce training time, costs, and turnover while increasing production and accuracy.
  • Assure customized testing and training based on specific job needs by utilizing a professional job task analysis.
  • Receive assessment services on or off-site, with accurate and timely reporting of test results that are ADA & EEOC compliant.

Contact The Workforce Evaluation Center at 330-669-7073.