Job Profiling

With ACT’s Job Profiling process, our ACT-trained facilitator works collaboratively with groups of your employees to complete a job task analysis. Your experienced employees are the “subject matter experts” who define the tasks and skills needed to perform a specific job successfully.

Job profiling consists of a task analysis to select the most critical tasks and a skill analysis to identify the skills and skill levels required to enter the job and perform effectively. By matching the job profile information with individual scores on the WorkKeys® assessments, you can make reliable decisions about hiring, training, and program development needs.


Professional Development

WCSCC has developed a fully customizable training program to benefit your organization and employees immensely. Studies show that companies that deploy a robust continuous learning program see increased employee happiness, greater scalability and growth, and a thriving business. However, when it comes to training programs, there's no one-size-fits-all.  WCSCC offers you the ability to tailor the training needed for your employees based on YOUR needs rather than the standard offerings of other institutions.

We offer over 100 workshops in seven core areas. For an in-depth overview, visit our Professional Development webpage.


Quality Assessments, Quality Hiring

The Assessment Lab provides assessment services to assist in your hiring process. Such services include ranking applications, conducting job task analysis, designing & administering test packages, and reporting results. The staff consists of two State of Ohio Certified Vocational Evaluators. We look forward to serving your specific assessment needs, whether using ACT’s job profiling system, WorkKeys® basic skills tests, or a custom-designed test package to suit your job needs.

  • Select the best candidate by using proven assessment strategies.
  • Reduce training time, costs, and turnover while increasing production and accuracy.
  • Assure customized testing and training based on specific job needs using a professional job task analysis.
  • Receive assessment services on or off-site, with accurate and timely reporting of test results that are ADA & EEOC-compliant.


Contact us for a list of available tests.
Email Assessement Specialist Eric Grobmyer or call the Assessment Lab at 330-669-7073.