Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is the NCRC Credential?

The National Career Readiness Credential is a certificate that ACT, the company that does college testing, puts out for employers to determine that a prospective employee has the basic skills needed for a position that they are applying for. The certificate comes in bronze, silver, or gold levels, and you must pass at least 3 WorkKeys tests at a Level 3 to receive a bronze certificate, a Level 4 to get a silver certificate, and a Level 5 to get a gold certificate.

2. Why should I take the tests for the certificate?

ACT is a well-respected test agency that is awarding this certificate which is nationally recognized. It is designed to complement other traditional credentials, such as a GED, high school diploma, community college or college degree.

The certificate can be taken to interviews to prove that you have basic skills in reading, math, and locating information on charts and diagrams. On the back of the certificate, it will state in very positive terms what you can do in these skill areas. The certificate can be used to sell your skills and to show an employer that you can learn whatever you need to on-the- job.

3. How can I use the National Career Readiness Certificate in my employment search?

  • Take the certificate with you to an interview or job fair.
  • Update your resume. In your description of Achievements and Awards, you can list the ACT’s National Career Readiness Credential. Attach a copy of the back of your certificate to your resume.
  • Mail a copy of your certificate, along with your cover letter, when you are applying for a job.
  • Ask employers if WorkKeys testing is used in their employment process. Let them know you have already taken three of the tests and that your certificate verifies specific skills you have in the areas of Applied Math, Locating Information, and Reading for Information.

4. How long will the testing take?

It will take 1 hr. for one test, an hour and 45 min. for two tests, and two hours and 45 min. for all three tests.

5. When will I get my certificate?

Two weeks from your testing date, you can order your permanent certificate on-line through ACT. The cost is @ $20.00.

Call The Workforce Evaluation Center at (330) 669-7073