Friday Announcements
Recycling will be today. Please place your bins out in the hallway. The blue bins are for paper only. Please do not throw water bottles, pencils, pens, candy wrappers, tissue or books in the recycling bins. Please check to be sure to remove all not approved items.
Attn Students - 3rd Quarter ends on March 21. If you have fallen behind and need some extra assistance, please come to before or after school tutoring in the student assistance center. Before school tutoring is held daily from 7:30-8:00, and after school tutoring Monday - Thursday from 2:30 - 3:30. Transportation home is available! This is a great way to ensure you pass your classes for the year. Please see Miss Smilan in the SAC with any questions or to arrange transportation.
Attention Rittman Students: stop by Ms. Albaugh's room at the high school to pick up a prom packet. Tickets can be purchased starting Monday 3/10. Everything must be turned in no later than 3/20.
The following students need to report to the student services office after announcements:
Lachlan Stutzman, Carter Orosz, Alex Schroer, Travis Shahedeh, Mikayla Walker, Ashlyn Wallace, Dray Williams, Gabe Gonzalez