Here are some useful tips from our instructors, students, and other contributors. Check back often for more!


Oil Change Tip
Courtesy of WCSCC's Adult Education Automotive Technology program

Drive a mile or two before changing your oil as warm oil flows more easily, making it easier to change.


Good Netiquette: Tips for network etiquette and online communication
Courtesy of WCSCC's Adult Education Office Technology program


1. Identify yourself in communications.
2. Acknowledge and return messages promptly.
3. Adhere to the same standard of behavior online as in real life.
4. Exercise confidentiality; keep personal information private.
5. Use proper punctuation and grammar as it's a reflection of your education and competence.
6. Obey copyright laws and cite works.
7. If you wouldn’t say it someone’s face, don’t put it in an e-mail.
8. Be friendly, concise, professional, positive, and self-reflective.
9. Use appropriate language and emoticons, and avoid typing in all capital letters and using sarcasm.
10. REPLY ALL only if necessary; don't send unsolicited messages.


Microsoft Office Tech Tips
Courtesy of WCSCC's Adult Education Office Technology program


How to change document settings to single spacing in Word 2010