Adult Education takes great pride in providing the most up-to-date training opportunities. Communication with industry professionals is vital as we investigate and research new programs as well as update current programs. Advisory Committees' role is to counsel and advise in the identification, development and operation of the total instructional program of a particular career and technical area. The committees focus their activities on specialized skills, knowledge, and behaviors of specific occupations.

If interested in serving on an Advisory Committee, please contact the staff person listed below at 330-669-7070.


Adult Education Advisory Committee & Contact Person


Administrative Office Professional - Josi Weaver-Kranz


ASPIREEmily Hartzler


Cosmetology - Tracie Ackerman and Angela Ramsay


Dental Assisting - Laurie Mobley and Krista Garver


Fast Track Welding - Bruce Steiner


Law Enforcement Training Ryan Pearson


Manufacturing Technologies - Sandy Elliott


Medical Assisting - Suzette Best 


Nurse Aide - Kim Schreiber


Practical Nursing 

Lorie Rodgers