We are excited you've chosen to apply to WCSCC!

The WCSCC enrollment period for the 25-26 school year is now open! CLICK HERE to view and fill in the application.


Steps to Enrollment:

  1. Click the link above and complete the application.
  2. Check for a confirmation email after applying (Your parent/guardian and School Counselor will receive one, too!).
  3. Wait for acceptance information in mid-March 2025. 

Juniors interested in applying to the senior-only RAMTEC programs should also complete the application. 


Contact our School Counselors:

Michelle Bower- MBower@wscscc.edu

Abby Neidert- ANeidert@wcscc.edu


Click HERE to view our Programs Brochure!

Click HERE to view our RAMTEC Programs Brochure!