Did you know that WCSCC has partnered with Aultman Now to provide Telehealth services to our students?
Through Telehealth, your student can have a virtual visit with a healthcare provider from the school's clinic that will include the school nurse and a parent/guardian.
This service can save you time by:
-Having your child seen by a healthcare professional without having to try and get a same-day appointment with your primary care physician.
A telehealth visit uses a secure two-way video communication between the Aultman provider, the school clinic nurse, the sick student and the parent or guardian. Medical equipment is used by the school nurse to assist the provider with the examination of the student. The school nurse will use technology through an Aultman Now cart to send video, images and sounds to the provider.
To read more about Telehealth CLICK HERE.
If you have already filled out the Telehealth forms in your student's Final Forms, your student can use the service immediately.
If you have not filled out Final Forms, CLICK HERE for the printable Telehealth forms. Complete the form and return it the the WCSCC School Nurse Office/Clinic.