Cold and Flu Season is Here!

Image of green with illness emoji

  • COVER YOUR MOUTH AND NOSE when coughing or sneezing (preferably with a tissue).  Throw tissues away immediately and wash hands with soap and water for 15 seconds. 


  • WASH HANDS FREQUENTLY throughout the day and minimize touching eyes, nose, and mouth.  These can be areas for entry of viruses/bacteria.  Hand washing is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of disease and should be done before eating, after going to the restroom, after playing with animals, before and after school, after coughing, sneezing, or blowing nose.  Use of Purel or similar products can minimize class disruption, as well as, having tissues in the classroom.  Suggestion:  I would not leave any Purel sitting out for someone to take as these things can be used in harmful ways.  I would suggest you dispense the purel to students to minimize everyone touching the bottle.  Also asking students to bring in boxes of tissues for extra credit is something teachers/instructors have done in the past.


  • AVOID SHARING drinks, silverware, and suckers etc. with others.


  • CLEAN SURFACES that are frequently used (desks, door knobs, eating surfaces) with a disinfectant. 


  • REST:  Refusing to rest can cause relapse or make symptoms worse and delay recovery.


  • GARGLE WITH WARM SALT WATER:  Gargling a few times a day can help to relieve a sore throat.


  • VAPORIZERS/HUMIDIFIERS:  Will help loosen secretions and make breathing easier.  A hot shower can also help with this.


  • AVOID work and school if you have a temperature of 100.00 degrees or higher, vomiting or have diarrhea.  You should be fever free, no vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours without the use of medication before returning to school.  


  • DRINK PLENTY OF FLUIDS:  Fluids especially water can help loosen mucus in your nose and chest and prevents dehydration.  Caffeinated products can increase dehydration so they should be avoided. 


  • STOP SMOKING AND AVOID SECOND HAND SMOKE:  Cigarette smoke is an irritant to the respiratory tract and nasal passages making symptoms worse. 


  • EAT PROPERLY:  Eating breakfast is especially important.  It’s known to be one of the most important meals of the day to fuel the brain and get the body moving.  Avoid high sugar breakfasts.  A more protein based breakfast is preferred.