Friday Announcements
Recycling announcement: Recycling will be today. Please place your bins out in the hallway. The blue bins are for paper only. Please do not throw water bottles, pencils, pens, candy wrappers, tissue or books in the recycling bins. Thank you.
Please check to be sure to remove all not approved items.
Attention Chippewa Students: Winter Formal will take place on January 25th from 8:00 - 10:00 pm. Please check your WCSCC email for ticket sale dates, cost of tickets, guest form, and spirit week information.
Attention all SLC members, the General Membership Meeting is scheduled for today in A159 during first period after the morning announcements. Please make arrangements with your instructors to attend.
Attention staff and students-Todays lunch will be Wings and Rings with Ranch Dressing; Bosco Sticks with Marinara Sauce; Peas and Red Beets