Friday Announcements
Recycling will be today-Please place your bins out in the hallway-please be sure to remove all non-approved items. Thank you!
This is Random Acts of Kindness week. Try spreading a little kindness to someone. Key Club has set up a selfie station in the commons. Please tag us at wcscc_keyclub when you take pictures. Remember to be the I in Kind!
The following schools will be administering the ACT to juniors on Tuesday, February 25th: Chippewa, Norwayne, Orrville, Rittman, Smithville, Waynedale, and Wooster Christian. Students from these schools must report directly to their homeschool on February 25th UNLESS they have been instructed otherwise by their homeschool. Please check your Career Center email for further details.
The next meeting of the Diversity Club will be 2nd period in room D106 on Wednesday, Feb 26th! We will be discussing field trips and other fun activities for the spring. The diversity club is open to all - feel free to join after checking in with your 2nd period instructor.
Attention SLC, Reminder that there is a General Membership Meeting this morning in A159 following the announcements. Please make arrangements to attend.